Misdemeanor assault cases can bring up to a $4000 fine and up to a year in the county jail. If the charge involves a “family” member, a very wide term, you could lose your rights to possess or transfer firearms or ammunition.
If you’re charged for the second time, or accused of choking, you could have a felony case which can carry a 2-10 year prison sentence.Aside from the punishment given by the court, having an assault charge on your record can carry a stigma which is difficult to overcome. This stigma could seriously affect employment opportunities, professional licensing or access to your own children.
Your family member can’t just “drop the charges” either. In Texas, it is the District Attorney who chooses whether or not to prosecute a case, not the “victim”.

Figuring out if there are defenses to your case requires consulting an experienced attorney. Use the form below to set up a free consultation where we can review the details and possible scenarios for your case together.